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[177Lu – DOTA – Tyr3] – OCTREOTATE para el tratamiento de tumores neuroendocrinos gastroenteropancreáticos. Revisión sistemática de la literatura.
Herrera Malo, Yariela Edith
Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are diagnosed in advanced state in approximately 60 – 80% of patients, their treatment options are limited. We reviewed the clinical benefit of radionuclide therapy with 177Lu – DOTA – Tyr3] – Octreotate in patients with advanced or inoperable disease. O...
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A "Trojan horse" strategy to reverse drug-resistance in brain tumors
Pinzon-Daza, Martha L.
Malignant gliomas represent one of the most aggressive forms of Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors. According to the WHO classification of brain tumors, astrocytomas have been categorized into four grades, determined by the underlying pathology. Malignant (or highgrade) gliomas include anaplasti...
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A novel EEG Artifact in the ICU: Ultrasound Transducer simulating Ictal Activity
Ramírez-Molina, Jorge Luis
We describe an EEG artifact seen during an ultrasound-guided central venous catheter placement that showed an evolving ictal-like electrographic pattern....
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A trans-methylation mechanism between the two major H3K9 methyltransferases SETDB1 and SUV39H1 regulates heterochromatin establishment
Cruz Tapias, Paola Andrea
Histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9me3) is a key epigenetic modification required for heterochromatin formation and maintenance, genome stability and silencing of transposable elements in embryonic stems cells (ESCs). The H3K9-specific methyltransferase (KMT) SETDB1 is vital for mammalian devel...
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Ablación percutánea por radiofrecuencia y microondas de lesiones focales hepáticas, experiencia en un hospital de alta complejidad.
Aldana Silva, Carolina
Introduction: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has high worldwide prevalence and mortality rate. Treatment of small HCC with image-guided locoregional techniques in patients candidates for liver transplantation, works effectively in decreasing lesions size, with low complication rates. Objective: To d...
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Abordaje para el diagnóstico y manejo en pacientes con trombosis de la arteria renal secundaria al trauma abdominal cerrado : revisión sistemática de la literatura
Carrillo Rodriguez, Adriana Patricia
Thrombosis of the renal vessels secondary to closed abdominal trauma represents a challenge. A specific management has not been established, different diagnostic and treatment approaches, the purpose of this study is to determine the approach for diagnosis and management in patients with renal arter...
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Abordajes teóricos en la comprensión de la influencia de los recursos económicos en la actividad física
Montenegro Mendivelso, Mónica
Qualitative study that analyzes the theoretical approaches used by different authors in the understanding of the influence of economic resources in the physical activity, from determinants model and social determination model....
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Acceso yugular interno con el uso de ecógrafo de bolsillo en modelo simulado: comparación entre técnicas de visualización biplano y monoplano
Bustos Martínez, Yury Forlan
Introduction: The use of ultrasound in central venous access is the current standard due to its advantages in terms of efficiency and safety. In-plane or out-of-plane visualization are the techniques currently used without evidence showing an advantage of one over the other. The aim of this study is...
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Accesos vasculares para hemodiálisis, cuál es el más costo efectivo?
Tarazona Lara, Marcos Manuel
Background: end stage chronic renal disease is a serious public health problem in our country because of the big economic burden that is spent on its management. Hemodialysis is the most used treatment in our setting; vascular access and its derived complications are the most important aspect for ra...
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Ablación cardiaca en niños y adolescentes: experiencia en la Fundación Cardioinfantil-IC años 2010 -2013
Castillo Pantoja, Erika
Introduction: It has been shown that the technique of cardiac radiofrequency ablation is highly effective in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in children, besides having a minimal complications In this study the results of this procedure are shown in a group of pediatric patients Fundación Cardi...
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Abordaje de la lecto-escritura en niños con deficiencia auditiva con implante coclear
Soto Vargas, Karen Xiomara
The objective of this work is to determine the approach or intervention in the reading and writing of children with cochlear implants from the investigation of scientific literature and recent studies in order to generate a proposal based on intervention recommendations so that both teachers, family...
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Abordaje psicoanalítico de la relación madre-hijo durante el embarazo y la forma en que esta afecta el desarrollo psicoafectivo del niño
Guerra Nieto, Hanjy Alexandra
This document reviews the psychoanalytic literature on the mother-child relationship during pregnancy and how it influences the baby 's psychic development. This issue is addressed mainly from the theoretical perspective of Donald Winnicott, Wilfred Bion and Helene Deutsch to achieve a more comprehe...
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Acceso yugular interno con el uso de ecógrafo de bolsillo en modelo simulado: comparación entre técnicas de visualización biplano y monoplano
Bustos Martínez, Yury Forlan
Introduction: The use of ultrasound in central venous access is the current standard due to its advantages in terms of efficiency and safety. In-plane or out-of-plane visualization are the techniques currently used without evidence showing an advantage of one over the other. The aim of this study is...
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Accidentes por agresión animal atendidos en el Hospital Centro Oriente E.S.E. de Bogotá 2002 - 2003
Ávila Romero, Elsa Piedad
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Actitudes de un grupo de directivos de empresa hacia la integración laboral de personas en proceso de reintegración en Colombia
Penagos Penagos, Ashly
Colombia faces a demobilization process and one of the goals is labor reinstatement, understood as an adaptation process within an organization. The present study has the primary objective of understanding the attitudes of the principal executives in regards to the labor reinstatement process PPR, t...
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Actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la enfermedad de Alzheimer
Calle Nassiff, María
This literature review aimed to describe attitudes towards HIV / AIDS, cancer and Alzheimer's disease from the tripartite model. 109 articles published between 2005 and 2015 in some specialized databases and tools for impact analysis were reviewed. Secondary sources were also included to expand the ...
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Actitudes hacia la discapacidad : la influencia de variables individuales y contextuales
Rodríguez Rubiano, Lizz Amparo
This paper constitutes a review of the influence of individual and contextual variables on the attitudes toward disability. In order to achieve this goal, we describe the concept of disability from a social framework, in which the disability is taken as a relational issue instead of an individual ch...
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Actitudes hacia la Enfermedad del Alzheimer según el género y la edad de adultos colombianos
Bernal Corzo, Lina
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, and its prevalence continues increasing both in Colombia and in the world. The main purpose of this study was to explore if the attitudes towards Alzheimer disease varies according to gender and age of 450 Colombian adults. An exploratory cros...
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BACILO study data
Resultados de la revisión de los registros de historia clínica (Anonimizada)...
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Datos de investigación Percepciones de los enfermeros sobre la formación en ECMO.
En este set de datos se almacena toda la información recopilada de la investigación...
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Data Management Plan
This document outlines the systematic approach for collecting, handling, and safeguarding data throughout the research study. It details procedures for data collection. The plan outlines data storage methods complying with regulations and security guidelines for safeguarding patient confidentiality....
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Replication Data for: Would plain packaging and health warning labels reduce smoking in the presence of informal markets? A choice experiment in Colombia
Replication code available at: These datasets should be placed in the folder "raw_data" Background Despite progress made by many countries on the adoption of plain tobacco packaging laws over the last years, low- and middle-income countries, with a lar...
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Estimating Illicit Trade of Tobacco products in Colombia using pack collection
Este proyecto presenta una estimación independiente del comercio ilícito de cigarrillos en cinco ciudades principales de Colombia (Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena y Cúcuta) para 2023, utilizando el método de recolección de cajetillas desechadas. El tamaño mínimo de la muestra fue de 1.286...
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Replication Data for: ERP Responses of Ex-Combatants and War Victims Differ for Bias-Related Stimuli
Despite theoretical advancements linking bias, prejudice, and stereotyping to the elicitation of early and late components, supporting evidence in real-life conflict contexts is lacking. This study examines the applicability of previous models in a dyadic context based on differing exposure to extre...
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Replication Data for: Could War Veterans Be Also Victims? Mental Health Correlates of Self-Reported Victimhood Status Among Military Personnel in Colombia
There is a growing awareness regarding the potential mental health repercussions stemming from war-related trauma experienced by both civilians and veterans. However, the existing literature has thus far overlooked a crucial aspect: how observable psychological distress may or may not support claims...
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Datos de variables escalas para predecir colecistectomía difícil.
Base de datos de los pacientes que se les calculo las escalas para predecir colecistectomía difícil....
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[177Lu – DOTA – Tyr3] – OCTREOTATE para el tratamiento de tumores neuroendocrinos gastroenteropancreáticos. Revisión sistemática de la literatura.
Herrera Malo, Yariela Edith
Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are diagnosed in advanced state in approximately 60 – 80% of patients, their treatment options are limited. We reviewed the clinical benefit of radionuclide therapy with 177Lu – DOTA – Tyr3] – Octreotate in patients with advanced or inoperable disease. O...
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A "Trojan horse" strategy to reverse drug-resistance in brain tumors
Pinzon-Daza, Martha L.
Malignant gliomas represent one of the most aggressive forms of Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors. According to the WHO classification of brain tumors, astrocytomas have been categorized into four grades, determined by the underlying pathology. Malignant (or highgrade) gliomas include anaplasti...
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A novel EEG Artifact in the ICU: Ultrasound Transducer simulating Ictal Activity
Ramírez-Molina, Jorge Luis
We describe an EEG artifact seen during an ultrasound-guided central venous catheter placement that showed an evolving ictal-like electrographic pattern....
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A trans-methylation mechanism between the two major H3K9 methyltransferases SETDB1 and SUV39H1 regulates heterochromatin establishment
Cruz Tapias, Paola Andrea
Histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9me3) is a key epigenetic modification required for heterochromatin formation and maintenance, genome stability and silencing of transposable elements in embryonic stems cells (ESCs). The H3K9-specific methyltransferase (KMT) SETDB1 is vital for mammalian devel...
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Ablación percutánea por radiofrecuencia y microondas de lesiones focales hepáticas, experiencia en un hospital de alta complejidad.
Aldana Silva, Carolina
Introduction: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has high worldwide prevalence and mortality rate. Treatment of small HCC with image-guided locoregional techniques in patients candidates for liver transplantation, works effectively in decreasing lesions size, with low complication rates. Objective: To d...
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Abordaje para el diagnóstico y manejo en pacientes con trombosis de la arteria renal secundaria al trauma abdominal cerrado : revisión sistemática de la literatura
Carrillo Rodriguez, Adriana Patricia
Thrombosis of the renal vessels secondary to closed abdominal trauma represents a challenge. A specific management has not been established, different diagnostic and treatment approaches, the purpose of this study is to determine the approach for diagnosis and management in patients with renal arter...
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Abordajes teóricos en la comprensión de la influencia de los recursos económicos en la actividad física
Montenegro Mendivelso, Mónica
Qualitative study that analyzes the theoretical approaches used by different authors in the understanding of the influence of economic resources in the physical activity, from determinants model and social determination model....
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Acceso yugular interno con el uso de ecógrafo de bolsillo en modelo simulado: comparación entre técnicas de visualización biplano y monoplano
Bustos Martínez, Yury Forlan
Introduction: The use of ultrasound in central venous access is the current standard due to its advantages in terms of efficiency and safety. In-plane or out-of-plane visualization are the techniques currently used without evidence showing an advantage of one over the other. The aim of this study is...
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Accesos vasculares para hemodiálisis, cuál es el más costo efectivo?
Tarazona Lara, Marcos Manuel
Background: end stage chronic renal disease is a serious public health problem in our country because of the big economic burden that is spent on its management. Hemodialysis is the most used treatment in our setting; vascular access and its derived complications are the most important aspect for ra...
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Ablación cardiaca en niños y adolescentes: experiencia en la Fundación Cardioinfantil-IC años 2010 -2013
Castillo Pantoja, Erika
Introduction: It has been shown that the technique of cardiac radiofrequency ablation is highly effective in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in children, besides having a minimal complications In this study the results of this procedure are shown in a group of pediatric patients Fundación Cardi...
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Abordaje de la lecto-escritura en niños con deficiencia auditiva con implante coclear
Soto Vargas, Karen Xiomara
The objective of this work is to determine the approach or intervention in the reading and writing of children with cochlear implants from the investigation of scientific literature and recent studies in order to generate a proposal based on intervention recommendations so that both teachers, family...
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Abordaje psicoanalítico de la relación madre-hijo durante el embarazo y la forma en que esta afecta el desarrollo psicoafectivo del niño
Guerra Nieto, Hanjy Alexandra
This document reviews the psychoanalytic literature on the mother-child relationship during pregnancy and how it influences the baby 's psychic development. This issue is addressed mainly from the theoretical perspective of Donald Winnicott, Wilfred Bion and Helene Deutsch to achieve a more comprehe...
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Acceso yugular interno con el uso de ecógrafo de bolsillo en modelo simulado: comparación entre técnicas de visualización biplano y monoplano
Bustos Martínez, Yury Forlan
Introduction: The use of ultrasound in central venous access is the current standard due to its advantages in terms of efficiency and safety. In-plane or out-of-plane visualization are the techniques currently used without evidence showing an advantage of one over the other. The aim of this study is...
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Accidentes por agresión animal atendidos en el Hospital Centro Oriente E.S.E. de Bogotá 2002 - 2003
Ávila Romero, Elsa Piedad
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Actitudes de un grupo de directivos de empresa hacia la integración laboral de personas en proceso de reintegración en Colombia
Penagos Penagos, Ashly
Colombia faces a demobilization process and one of the goals is labor reinstatement, understood as an adaptation process within an organization. The present study has the primary objective of understanding the attitudes of the principal executives in regards to the labor reinstatement process PPR, t...
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Actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la enfermedad de Alzheimer
Calle Nassiff, María
This literature review aimed to describe attitudes towards HIV / AIDS, cancer and Alzheimer's disease from the tripartite model. 109 articles published between 2005 and 2015 in some specialized databases and tools for impact analysis were reviewed. Secondary sources were also included to expand the ...
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Actitudes hacia la discapacidad : la influencia de variables individuales y contextuales
Rodríguez Rubiano, Lizz Amparo
This paper constitutes a review of the influence of individual and contextual variables on the attitudes toward disability. In order to achieve this goal, we describe the concept of disability from a social framework, in which the disability is taken as a relational issue instead of an individual ch...
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Actitudes hacia la Enfermedad del Alzheimer según el género y la edad de adultos colombianos
Bernal Corzo, Lina
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, and its prevalence continues increasing both in Colombia and in the world. The main purpose of this study was to explore if the attitudes towards Alzheimer disease varies according to gender and age of 450 Colombian adults. An exploratory cros...
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BACILO study data
Resultados de la revisión de los registros de historia clínica (Anonimizada)...
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Datos de investigación Percepciones de los enfermeros sobre la formación en ECMO.
En este set de datos se almacena toda la información recopilada de la investigación...
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Data Management Plan
This document outlines the systematic approach for collecting, handling, and safeguarding data throughout the research study. It details procedures for data collection. The plan outlines data storage methods complying with regulations and security guidelines for safeguarding patient confidentiality....
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Replication Data for: Would plain packaging and health warning labels reduce smoking in the presence of informal markets? A choice experiment in Colombia
Replication code available at: These datasets should be placed in the folder "raw_data" Background Despite progress made by many countries on the adoption of plain tobacco packaging laws over the last years, low- and middle-income countries, with a lar...
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Estimating Illicit Trade of Tobacco products in Colombia using pack collection
Este proyecto presenta una estimación independiente del comercio ilícito de cigarrillos en cinco ciudades principales de Colombia (Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena y Cúcuta) para 2023, utilizando el método de recolección de cajetillas desechadas. El tamaño mínimo de la muestra fue de 1.286...
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Replication Data for: ERP Responses of Ex-Combatants and War Victims Differ for Bias-Related Stimuli
Despite theoretical advancements linking bias, prejudice, and stereotyping to the elicitation of early and late components, supporting evidence in real-life conflict contexts is lacking. This study examines the applicability of previous models in a dyadic context based on differing exposure to extre...
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Replication Data for: Could War Veterans Be Also Victims? Mental Health Correlates of Self-Reported Victimhood Status Among Military Personnel in Colombia
There is a growing awareness regarding the potential mental health repercussions stemming from war-related trauma experienced by both civilians and veterans. However, the existing literature has thus far overlooked a crucial aspect: how observable psychological distress may or may not support claims...
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Datos de variables escalas para predecir colecistectomía difícil.
Base de datos de los pacientes que se les calculo las escalas para predecir colecistectomía difícil....
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