Humanities International Complete brinda acceso en Texto completo a Artículos, libros, obras dramatúrgic
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"Con decisión y en medio de presiones, oposiciones y riesgos, así como del cóvid, hicimos lo que nos fue posible." Del por qué la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición no pudo alcanzar plenamente los objetivos establecidos en su mandato constitucional.
Ordaz Gerritz, Victor Octavio
This thesis aimsto examine the different factors that determined the work of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Peaceful Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CTC) and to explain to what extent they have influenced the (non-)achievement of its constitutional objectives. The CEV (2018- 2022) wa...
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"Las de pelo largo": Una aproximación a la narrativa femenina de Colonia Dignidad
Müller, Laura Elisabeth
The main aim of this work is to examine the female narrative of the experience lived in Colonia Dignidad, to highlight the particular challenges that women faced because of their gender, and ultimately to broaden our understanding of the experiences of victimisation, contradictions and role conflict...
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"Porque pagan entonces quieren tener un robot, y nosotras de robot no tenemos nada": arreglos intersubjetivos tecno-sociales del trabajo doméstico mediado digitalmente
Mantilla-León, Laura Clemencia
This paper analyzes the intersubjective relationships between customers and workers in two digital platforms for domestic work in Bogotá, Colombia. Inspired by feminist science and technology studies, it explores how control, auditing and subordination mechanisms are set up over female workers, wher...
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"Que la paz no nos cueste la vida": consecuencias psicosociales de la impunidad en frente a los asesinatos de excombatientes de las FARC en Bogotá
Wippenbeck, Klara
The 355 murders of former guerrilla fighters of the FARC guerrilla in Colombia since the peace treaty in 2016 remain largely unsolved and thus in impunity. Thus, demobilized fighters currently experience a precarious security situation that impacts their biopsychosocial health. This thesis aims to i...
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20 años de la abolición de la tarjeta profesional para periodistas en Colombia : periodismo ¿oficio o profesión?
Silva Díaz, Ronald
Review of the 20th anniversary of the colombian press credential abolition. It’s consequences nowadays in the media industry and guild, and the journalists and academics anecdotes....
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A Pianguar: En el Pacífico nariñense buscan frenar la extinción de la piangua
Candelo Meza, Diego Andrés
In 2002 the conservation efforts to save the mangroves inspired the Piangua community and environmental organizations to establish the first Citizen Act of Conservation in Colombia. Communities, non-political organizations and state institutions signed a conservation agreement to elaborate on the pr...
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AAINJEAR la ciudad: Aportes de las intervenciones de arte en el espacio público en el ejercicio y goce del derecho a la ciudad
López Rivera, Cristian Orlando
This research analyses the ways in which art practices in public space relate to the right to the city, for this, it is used citizenship as the articulating concept that allows showing this contribution. The research focused on an intrinsic case study of the artistic practices -which did not produce...
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Abrir Mundo. Resistencia, visualidad y producción artística
Toledo Castellanos, Ricardo
This work lives in the interstitial space between art and philosophy, showing the power embedded in the time-space order behind the systems of exploitation and domination that have been the subject of the post and decolonial debates...
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Acoso laboral : un problema en aumento
Jiménez, Olga Lucia
Identify how labor work has evolved in Colombia since the law that determined it was enacted, that is, law 1010 of 2006, through the analysis of cases and figures that modified the way it is treated in the different authorities that recognize the affair; the damage it has caused to people who have b...
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Algoritmos, personalización y comunicación de la ciencia. Un análisis del uso de ADS en el desarrollo de campañas de donación de células en Colombia
Sánchez Novoa, Pablo Andrés
This article analyzes the adoption processes of ADS (digital advertising in social networks) within a communication campaign for the recruitment of hematopoietic stem cell (HPC) donors and seeks to understand the effects of these new technological mediations in the communication processes and unders...
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"El poder sabe como el agua": La experiencia del rol sumiso frente a la construcción de las relaciones de poder en el BDSM
Chaparro Chaves, Carolina
The following article analyzes the perspective of the submissive position vis-à-vis the logics and relations of power in the field of BDSM from the contributions of social theory, with emphasis on comprehensive sociology. The idea was to question the interpretation of power as a process that works i...
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'Volverse negros': trayectorias de racialización en el Chocó y en Bogotá
Cuellar Sarmiento, Jaime
This thesis, analyze "the different ways of being 'black' that cross the notion of class, gender and body"; In other words, how to 'get in' and 'get out' of the notion of black. It focuses on understanding the transformations of rationalization processes within the framework of forced displacement f...
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2666: Bolaño Político
Sánchez Medina, Johan Camilo
Despite the recurrence or insistent efforts of the academy to define a hypothesis about the existence of evil or its form of expression as a pretext par excellence of literary production in Bolaño, this work is rather an attempt to address a question which questions the possibility of the existence ...
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3 de los 39: reportajes sobre tres escritores jóvenes colombianos de Bogotá39
Jiménez Valencia, Sebastián
Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Ricardo Silva Romero and Antonio García Ángel are three of the six colombian writers of Bogotá39. Their lives and their work show that in order to be called a promise in literature what matters is not to be young but good writing....
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5 colombianos, 5 continentes y 5 gestas históricas para el fútbol colombiano
Hernández, Juan Sebastián
The main objective of the present journalistic investigation is to make known to sports and soccer lovers in particular, the 5 Colombians who have left a football footprint for the history of Colombian soccer within the 5 continents in the last 5 years: Omar Guardiola in Oceania, Roger Cañas in Asia...
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A comparative study of two Casas de la Cultura in Bogota: Tunjuelito and Usaquen
Camacho, Monica
This final project presents a descriptive and exploratory study of two Casas de la Cultura in Bogota (Tunjuelito/Usaquen, based on a revison of primary and secondary documents, and fieldwork using qualitative methods. The study draws upon quantative features in the presentation of date through comp...
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A la Deriva. Un Hospital, un conflicto, muchas formas de afrontarlo
Trejos, Sara Lucía
Drifting is a documentary film in 2013 under the direction and production of Laura Díaz and Sara Trejos, both journalism and sociology students from Universidad del Rosario. It tells the story of the labor crisis suffered by the San Juan de Dios Hospital and Instituto Materno Infantil workers in Bog...
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A tiempo de ser recordados : crónicas de oficios en vía de extinción
Diaz Granados Correa, Isabela María
The five chronicles presented in this proyect reflect our reality and show some practices that have been disappearing in Bogotá and nearby municipalities. The story of the hat maker to whom Gaitán trusted his head, the chinomatics that work like machines, the umbrella fixer who created his own trans...
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Acaracuy: Espíritus de la Candelaria
Lafont Sandoval, Lina Tatiana
Acaracuy: Spirits of La Candelaria is presented as a new multimedia alternative (interactive comic) to tell the stories of ghosts that have created the identity of the population that has inhabited this town over the years. Through a comic and a podcast series we recover and reconstruct the neighbor...
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Encuesta Latinoamericana de tendencias bibliotecas académicas/CRAI - 2024
El objetivo principal de esta encuesta es contribuir al marco de referencia de este estudio, permitiendo clarificar el panorama para las bibliotecas académicas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, aportando los elementos suficientes para que puedan conocer, anticiparse y adoptar las mejores prácticas pa...
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Management Project
Files with the administrative management information before, during and after the end of the project....
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Protocol Structure
Documents that support the structuring of the protocol before, during and after the project is completed....
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Replication Data for: Would plain packaging and health warning labels reduce smoking in the presence of informal markets? A choice experiment in Colombia
Replication code available at: These datasets should be placed in the folder "raw_data" Background Despite progress made by many countries on the adoption of plain tobacco packaging laws over the last years, low- and middle-income countries, with a lar...
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Estimating Illicit Trade of Tobacco products in Colombia using pack collection
Este proyecto presenta una estimación independiente del comercio ilícito de cigarrillos en cinco ciudades principales de Colombia (Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena y Cúcuta) para 2023, utilizando el método de recolección de cajetillas desechadas. El tamaño mínimo de la muestra fue de 1.286...
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Replication Data for: Excombatants and the truth commission in Colombia: an analysis of the participation of former military and exguerrillas
The Colombian Truth Commission (2018 to 2022) provides a unique opportunity to delve into the participation of exmilitary personnel and former guerrillas within truth-seeking bodies. While existing literature highlights the importance of their involvement in facilitating the assumption of responsibi...
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Replication Data for: ERP Responses of Ex-Combatants and War Victims Differ for Bias-Related Stimuli
Despite theoretical advancements linking bias, prejudice, and stereotyping to the elicitation of early and late components, supporting evidence in real-life conflict contexts is lacking. This study examines the applicability of previous models in a dyadic context based on differing exposure to extre...
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"Con decisión y en medio de presiones, oposiciones y riesgos, así como del cóvid, hicimos lo que nos fue posible." Del por qué la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición no pudo alcanzar plenamente los objetivos establecidos en su mandato constitucional.
Ordaz Gerritz, Victor Octavio
This thesis aimsto examine the different factors that determined the work of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Peaceful Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CTC) and to explain to what extent they have influenced the (non-)achievement of its constitutional objectives. The CEV (2018- 2022) wa...
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"Las de pelo largo": Una aproximación a la narrativa femenina de Colonia Dignidad
Müller, Laura Elisabeth
The main aim of this work is to examine the female narrative of the experience lived in Colonia Dignidad, to highlight the particular challenges that women faced because of their gender, and ultimately to broaden our understanding of the experiences of victimisation, contradictions and role conflict...
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"Porque pagan entonces quieren tener un robot, y nosotras de robot no tenemos nada": arreglos intersubjetivos tecno-sociales del trabajo doméstico mediado digitalmente
Mantilla-León, Laura Clemencia
This paper analyzes the intersubjective relationships between customers and workers in two digital platforms for domestic work in Bogotá, Colombia. Inspired by feminist science and technology studies, it explores how control, auditing and subordination mechanisms are set up over female workers, wher...
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"Que la paz no nos cueste la vida": consecuencias psicosociales de la impunidad en frente a los asesinatos de excombatientes de las FARC en Bogotá
Wippenbeck, Klara
The 355 murders of former guerrilla fighters of the FARC guerrilla in Colombia since the peace treaty in 2016 remain largely unsolved and thus in impunity. Thus, demobilized fighters currently experience a precarious security situation that impacts their biopsychosocial health. This thesis aims to i...
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20 años de la abolición de la tarjeta profesional para periodistas en Colombia : periodismo ¿oficio o profesión?
Silva Díaz, Ronald
Review of the 20th anniversary of the colombian press credential abolition. It’s consequences nowadays in the media industry and guild, and the journalists and academics anecdotes....
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A Pianguar: En el Pacífico nariñense buscan frenar la extinción de la piangua
Candelo Meza, Diego Andrés
In 2002 the conservation efforts to save the mangroves inspired the Piangua community and environmental organizations to establish the first Citizen Act of Conservation in Colombia. Communities, non-political organizations and state institutions signed a conservation agreement to elaborate on the pr...
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AAINJEAR la ciudad: Aportes de las intervenciones de arte en el espacio público en el ejercicio y goce del derecho a la ciudad
López Rivera, Cristian Orlando
This research analyses the ways in which art practices in public space relate to the right to the city, for this, it is used citizenship as the articulating concept that allows showing this contribution. The research focused on an intrinsic case study of the artistic practices -which did not produce...
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Abrir Mundo. Resistencia, visualidad y producción artística
Toledo Castellanos, Ricardo
This work lives in the interstitial space between art and philosophy, showing the power embedded in the time-space order behind the systems of exploitation and domination that have been the subject of the post and decolonial debates...
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Acoso laboral : un problema en aumento
Jiménez, Olga Lucia
Identify how labor work has evolved in Colombia since the law that determined it was enacted, that is, law 1010 of 2006, through the analysis of cases and figures that modified the way it is treated in the different authorities that recognize the affair; the damage it has caused to people who have b...
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Algoritmos, personalización y comunicación de la ciencia. Un análisis del uso de ADS en el desarrollo de campañas de donación de células en Colombia
Sánchez Novoa, Pablo Andrés
This article analyzes the adoption processes of ADS (digital advertising in social networks) within a communication campaign for the recruitment of hematopoietic stem cell (HPC) donors and seeks to understand the effects of these new technological mediations in the communication processes and unders...
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"El poder sabe como el agua": La experiencia del rol sumiso frente a la construcción de las relaciones de poder en el BDSM
Chaparro Chaves, Carolina
The following article analyzes the perspective of the submissive position vis-à-vis the logics and relations of power in the field of BDSM from the contributions of social theory, with emphasis on comprehensive sociology. The idea was to question the interpretation of power as a process that works i...
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'Volverse negros': trayectorias de racialización en el Chocó y en Bogotá
Cuellar Sarmiento, Jaime
This thesis, analyze "the different ways of being 'black' that cross the notion of class, gender and body"; In other words, how to 'get in' and 'get out' of the notion of black. It focuses on understanding the transformations of rationalization processes within the framework of forced displacement f...
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2666: Bolaño Político
Sánchez Medina, Johan Camilo
Despite the recurrence or insistent efforts of the academy to define a hypothesis about the existence of evil or its form of expression as a pretext par excellence of literary production in Bolaño, this work is rather an attempt to address a question which questions the possibility of the existence ...
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3 de los 39: reportajes sobre tres escritores jóvenes colombianos de Bogotá39
Jiménez Valencia, Sebastián
Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Ricardo Silva Romero and Antonio García Ángel are three of the six colombian writers of Bogotá39. Their lives and their work show that in order to be called a promise in literature what matters is not to be young but good writing....
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5 colombianos, 5 continentes y 5 gestas históricas para el fútbol colombiano
Hernández, Juan Sebastián
The main objective of the present journalistic investigation is to make known to sports and soccer lovers in particular, the 5 Colombians who have left a football footprint for the history of Colombian soccer within the 5 continents in the last 5 years: Omar Guardiola in Oceania, Roger Cañas in Asia...
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A comparative study of two Casas de la Cultura in Bogota: Tunjuelito and Usaquen
Camacho, Monica
This final project presents a descriptive and exploratory study of two Casas de la Cultura in Bogota (Tunjuelito/Usaquen, based on a revison of primary and secondary documents, and fieldwork using qualitative methods. The study draws upon quantative features in the presentation of date through comp...
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A la Deriva. Un Hospital, un conflicto, muchas formas de afrontarlo
Trejos, Sara Lucía
Drifting is a documentary film in 2013 under the direction and production of Laura Díaz and Sara Trejos, both journalism and sociology students from Universidad del Rosario. It tells the story of the labor crisis suffered by the San Juan de Dios Hospital and Instituto Materno Infantil workers in Bog...
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A tiempo de ser recordados : crónicas de oficios en vía de extinción
Diaz Granados Correa, Isabela María
The five chronicles presented in this proyect reflect our reality and show some practices that have been disappearing in Bogotá and nearby municipalities. The story of the hat maker to whom Gaitán trusted his head, the chinomatics that work like machines, the umbrella fixer who created his own trans...
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Acaracuy: Espíritus de la Candelaria
Lafont Sandoval, Lina Tatiana
Acaracuy: Spirits of La Candelaria is presented as a new multimedia alternative (interactive comic) to tell the stories of ghosts that have created the identity of the population that has inhabited this town over the years. Through a comic and a podcast series we recover and reconstruct the neighbor...
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Encuesta Latinoamericana de tendencias bibliotecas académicas/CRAI - 2024
El objetivo principal de esta encuesta es contribuir al marco de referencia de este estudio, permitiendo clarificar el panorama para las bibliotecas académicas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, aportando los elementos suficientes para que puedan conocer, anticiparse y adoptar las mejores prácticas pa...
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Management Project
Files with the administrative management information before, during and after the end of the project....
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Protocol Structure
Documents that support the structuring of the protocol before, during and after the project is completed....
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Replication Data for: Would plain packaging and health warning labels reduce smoking in the presence of informal markets? A choice experiment in Colombia
Replication code available at: These datasets should be placed in the folder "raw_data" Background Despite progress made by many countries on the adoption of plain tobacco packaging laws over the last years, low- and middle-income countries, with a lar...
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Estimating Illicit Trade of Tobacco products in Colombia using pack collection
Este proyecto presenta una estimación independiente del comercio ilícito de cigarrillos en cinco ciudades principales de Colombia (Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena y Cúcuta) para 2023, utilizando el método de recolección de cajetillas desechadas. El tamaño mínimo de la muestra fue de 1.286...
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Replication Data for: Excombatants and the truth commission in Colombia: an analysis of the participation of former military and exguerrillas
The Colombian Truth Commission (2018 to 2022) provides a unique opportunity to delve into the participation of exmilitary personnel and former guerrillas within truth-seeking bodies. While existing literature highlights the importance of their involvement in facilitating the assumption of responsibi...
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Replication Data for: ERP Responses of Ex-Combatants and War Victims Differ for Bias-Related Stimuli
Despite theoretical advancements linking bias, prejudice, and stereotyping to the elicitation of early and late components, supporting evidence in real-life conflict contexts is lacking. This study examines the applicability of previous models in a dyadic context based on differing exposure to extre...
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